Administrative Services

FacultyServices Projects PublicationsResearch Staff


The apex policy making body of SCTIMST is the Institute Body and the executive body is the Governing Body, which consists of eminent doctors, scientists, technologists, social scientists and senior officials nominated by the central government as well as Kerala state government. The Director of the Institute is the Chief Executive Officer. Besides this, there are a few statutory committees as enumerated in the Act/Rules such as the Academic Committee, Finance Committee. Technology Development Committee, Building Committee and Senior/Junior Staff Selection Committees, which formulate plans/programmes and makes recommendations on the academic, finance, technology development and other general administrative matters for the approval of the Governing Body. The powers and functions of the administrative bodies are given in the Act, Rules and Regulations of the Institute. The Institute is under the administrative control of the Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. The day-to-day administration of the institute is looked after by the Director and other subordinate officials and the decisions taken by the Governing Body are effectively implemented by the administration under the guidance of the Director. Administration is the key facilitator of the various activities of the Institute and some of the important administrative functions are as follows:

Personnel Management

The Institute is a medium sized institution employing around 1000 personnel consisting of doctors, scientists, engineers, nurses, paramedical/technical staff and other administrative and auxiliary staff for the Hospital Wing as well as the Biomedical Technology Wing. Having a super-specialty hospital, where bystanders are not permitted to stay with the inpatients, the number of nursing and supporting staff strength in the hospital is maintained slightly higher than any other government sector hospital with a view to provide efficient services to the inpatients. The personnel management of the institute involves recruitment of staff, their periodical promotions, establishment matters, service benefits, loan/advances, leave, medical reimbursement, retirement benefits including pension/gratuity/provident fund etc., disciplinary proceedings and legal matters. Institute had framed various rules, which are more or less similar to the central government rules and also follow the norms of the central government for recruitment of staff. The institute has a fast track periodical promotion schemes for its academic staff so as to retain them with the institute. There are around 65 administrative & accounts staff including few numbers of officers to take care of the administrative and financial functions of the institute.

Financial Management

SCTIMST is a public funded institute, i.e. the Government of India through its Department of Science & Technology is providing annual grant-in-aid to the tune of around Rs.90 crores. Besides this, the Institute also generates an average income of around Rs.32 crores per annum and obtains royalty, projects grants and also donations from external agencies. Several external funded projects are undertaken by the academic staff. The annual budget of the institute comes to around Rs.145 crores. The financial management of the institute involves budget preparation, budgetary control, accounting of receipts & expenditures, expenditure control, cost effective utilization of grants, coordinating auditing, preparation of final accounts and balance sheet etc. The various functions of the Accounts Division are fully computerized. The auditing of the accounts of the institute is usually undertaken by the C & AG audit as prescribed under the SCTIMST Act.

Materials Management

A large number of consumables and equipments are needed for the hospital and research wing of the Institute costing around Rs. 35 cores per annum. The materials division of the institute provides the right materials at the right time and at the cheapest cost by observing the established tender procedures and purchase norms framed by the Institute. Also costly medical and research equipments are imported directly by observing the import procedures. The functioning of the hospital or the research wing had never disrupted for want of the required materials.

The various administrative services are fully computerized and up-to- date records are maintained by the Administration. Besides the above, there are several other general administrative services, which are absolutely essential to run a hospital and a research wing. The Institute has got dedicated team of officers and staff who perform exceedingly well for the smooth and efficient functioning of this government institution, who also believe that 'service is motto' and the patients are the most important persons in a hospital service set-up.
